April 30, 2021 — October 02, 2021
I can’t hear you
Event series by collective Research and Waves presenting various positions from the field of arts and culture dissecting the toxified terminology of work focussing on notions and practices of performance.
Femme Fitness, Brat Nathanson, Ralf Wendt, Anna Zawadzka, and more (tba)
The simple phrase “I can’t hear you” has become a symptom of the present.
Being a substantial part of every video call, it opens up a field of conflicts between varying ideas of work, social distance, hearing, and sounding. In conversation with the contributors, the group wants to understand how people do and could communicate, collaborate, and relate to each other throughout the various structures, spaces, affects and meanings associated with ideas of work.
Keywords such as: work-out, work out, a piece of work, work as a job, artwork, workflow, work-life-balance, paid work, unpaid work, temp work, etc. invite to be discussed, dissected and poeticized through the means of performance and performativity. How can we give new meaning to these terms in a playful, unique and personal way?
Spread throughout five sessions, each featuring one or more invited (arts and/or cultural) workers, questions around what it might mean “to hear” and “to be heard” in contexts of work will be brought into the space of Changing Room Berlin in the form of performances, workshops, listening sessions, and other presentation formats between April and October 2021.
Due to the physical restrictions on cultural work caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, each session will also be presented through a suitable online format. More information on this, as well as the featured contributors and modes of gathering, will be announced ahead of each meeting in Changing Room.
In spirit of the meetings being a site for collective research, results will be published on attune.researchandwaves.net, the online research platform hosted by collective and label Research and Waves. The platform’s aim is to critically examine digital (re)formations of media, specifically the use of language, and the emancipatory possibilities of poetic intervention in currently emerging real life practices.
Documentary materials and conceptual results from all the events will also become part of a vinyl record released and realized by Research and Waves together with the invited contributors.
About Research and Waves
The collective Research and Waves has been working in different constellations since 2015, has released 8 records so far, organised various non-structured events and presentation meetings, has been working with upcoming young artists and cultural makers and continuously tries to step out of the known formats of art and culture.
The group aims to develop new, fresh connections between various scenes under the big umbrella of sound making and sound listening which it further promotes as an art form and social practice with unique abilities and immediate relevance. Research and Waves regards research as an experiential practice, where affects, memories and other sensorial gatherings of knowledge are as valuable as empirical knowledge resulting from exact sciences. Research and Waves is a non-hierarchical, fluid form artistic and curatorial group asking questions rather than answering them. An important aspect in the development of the group is the adaptability to
various conditions - members of the group, working mostly online, have been very responsive towards the conditions of COVID-19. In fall 2020 the group launched the online platform Attune.
Gefördert durch die Stiftung Kunstfonds